Featured Speaker: Chelsea Blackbird
About Chelsea Blackbird
Christian Nutritionist and Health Practitioner
Chelsea Blackbird is a Christian Health Practitioner who helps Christian women prioritize self-stewardship and healthy living based on a Biblical foundation. She is the host of The Christian Health Club Podcast, the creator of numerous Biblically-focused health programs including Feast 2 Fast®, The Genesis Prescription™ and 10x Stronger™ and co-founder of The School of Christian Health and Nutrition where she trains people how to live their dream of teaching Christian health and wellness. Chelsea has advanced training in gut health, hormones and nutritional blood chemistry and uses functional lab testing in her practice.
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Chelsea's Gift
About Chelsea Blackbird
Chelsea Blackbird is a Christian Health Practitioner who helps Christian women prioritize self-stewardship and healthy living based on a Biblical foundation. She is the host of The Christian Health Club Podcast, the creator of numerous Biblically-focused health programs including Feast 2 Fast®, The Genesis Prescription™ and 10x Stronger™ and co-founder of The School of Christian Health and Nutrition where she trains people how to live their dream of teaching Christian health and wellness. Chelsea has advanced training in gut health, hormones and nutritional blood chemistry and uses functional lab testing in her practice.
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