Featured Speaker: Debra Joyce
About Debra Joyce
Debra Joyce is a professional speaker and divorce coach based in Texas.
A former teacher with an administrative background, Debra worked in the finance and architectural industries alongside education. After experiencing an earth-shattering transition, she found a deeper layer of intimacy with Christ than she had ever known before – and now her mission is to impart that intimacy to others.
She currently leads two groups designed to help those navigating loss and heartbreak, reminding others that while grief and loss are a part of our stories, it does not define who we are. When she’s not traveling, speaking, or coaching she’s enjoying watching her two beautiful adult children lead purpose-filled lives of their own.The Interview Has Expired
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Debra 's Gift
About Debra Joyce
Debra Joyce is a professional speaker and divorce coach based in Texas.
A former teacher with an administrative background, Debra worked in the finance and architectural industries alongside education. After experiencing an earth-shattering transition, she found a deeper layer of intimacy with Christ than she had ever known before – and now her mission is to impart that intimacy to others.
She currently leads two groups designed to help those navigating loss and heartbreak, reminding others that while grief and loss are a part of our stories, it does not define who we are. When she’s not traveling, speaking, or coaching she’s enjoying watching her two beautiful adult children lead purpose-filled lives of their own.This Interview Goes LIVE In:
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