Featured Speaker: Dr. Melody Stevens
About Dr. Melody Stevens
Dr. Melody Stevens is the founder of Fit+Faith International. A global community of Christian women who are growing in their health and their relationship with the Lord. She is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and is passionate about seeing women grow in their relationship and identity in Christ. Her Healthy Christian Women podcast has over 1.2 million downloads worldwide, and has been listened to in over 83 countries. Since 2015, God has used her to speak truth and life to a broken and hurting world, and begin the restoration process of a healthy mind, body and Spirit, through the power and love of Jesus Christ.
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Dr. Melody's Gift
About Dr. Melody Stevens
Dr. Melody Stevens is the founder of Fit+Faith International. A global community of Christian women who are growing in their health and their relationship with the Lord. She is a Doctor of Physical Therapy and is passionate about seeing women grow in their relationship and identity in Christ. Her Healthy Christian Women podcast has over 1.2 million downloads worldwide, and has been listened to in over 83 countries. Since 2015, God has used her to speak truth and life to a broken and hurting world, and begin the restoration process of a healthy mind, body and Spirit, through the power and love of Jesus Christ.
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love I must try
if I don’t try,
I will never know