Featured Speaker: Karen DeLoach
About Karen DeLoach
Artist/ Art Mentor/ Author/ Speaker
Karen DeLoach is an award-winning artist/college art teacher, keynote speaker/coach, minister, wife, mother, and grandmother. She also teaches filmmaking online to a group of Ugandan youths in Mukono. She has a BFA in painting/theater, an MA in Studio Art, and a certificate in Film Production. She speaks at conferences, retreats, workshops, webinars, summits, events, and podcasts: live or virtually.
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Karen's Gift
About Karen DeLoach
Karen DeLoach is an award-winning artist/college art teacher, keynote speaker/coach, minister, wife, mother, and grandmother. She also teaches filmmaking online to a group of Ugandan youths in Mukono. She has a BFA in painting/theater, an MA in Studio Art, and a certificate in Film Production. She speaks at conferences, retreats, workshops, webinars, summits, events, and podcasts: live or virtually.
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It was a privilege and joy to do this with Tammy.
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you!
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate you!