Featured Speaker: Kelly Anne Bartlett

About Kelly Anne Bartlett

CEO/ The Graceful Warrior Project
Kelly dreamed about being a missionary since she was a child. She traveled the world extensively for many years and then in 2016, moved to Eastern Congo as an overseas missionary! She has a background in boxing and jiu jitsu, and so was asked to teach self-defense to the men and women at the Congolese organization that she worked for, (UJN). God continued to grow her and expand her, calling her to start The Graceful Warrior Project, a 501c3 non profit focused on empowering women throughout the world through local and indigenous leadership. She believes in taking a holistic approach to building women up through GWP’s four pillars of self defense: spiritually, physically, intellectually and economically.

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Kelly Anne's Gift

About Kelly Anne Bartlett

Kelly dreamed about being a missionary since she was a child. She traveled the world extensively for many years and then in 2016, moved to Eastern Congo as an overseas missionary! She has a background in boxing and jiu jitsu, and so was asked to teach self-defense to the men and women at the Congolese organization that she worked for, (UJN). God continued to grow her and expand her, calling her to start The Graceful Warrior Project, a 501c3 non profit focused on empowering women throughout the world through local and indigenous leadership. She believes in taking a holistic approach to building women up through GWP’s four pillars of self defense: spiritually, physically, intellectually and economically.


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