Featured Speaker: Maria Mitchell Crane

About Maria Mitchell Crane

Speaker/Wellness Coach/Pastor/Author/Artist
Maria Crane is a speaker, pastor, wellness coach, author, teacher and artist, with a passion to help people, experience wellness in their bodies, souls and spirit, so they can flourish as individuals and enjoy all aspects of their lives. She loves to mine out the treasure in others and activate dormant gifts in them. Part of her calling is to protect children and teach them the importance  of processing their emotions in healthy ways and the tool of forgiveness, so they don’t spend years trapped in pain, which can often result in self harm, or injuring others. Her book and song collection, Silver’s Song, addresses this vital topic. Her passion for the arts and creating beauty is evident in everything she does and she loves designing murals and public art that inspires community building, kindness and love (mariacrane.com) She currently resides in Santa Rosa, California with her husband, Stephen, where they enjoy an active lifestyle and being hospitable to international students and wine interns. Besides health coaching together, they also lead a citywide prayer ministry called PACT  (Prayer Always Changes Things).  

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Maria's Gift

About Maria Mitchell Crane

Maria Crane is a speaker, pastor, wellness coach, author, teacher and artist, with a passion to help people, experience wellness in their bodies, souls and spirit, so they can flourish as individuals and enjoy all aspects of their lives. She loves to mine out the treasure in others and activate dormant gifts in them. Part of her calling is to protect children and teach them the importance  of processing their emotions in healthy ways and the tool of forgiveness, so they don’t spend years trapped in pain, which can often result in self harm, or injuring others. Her book and song collection, Silver’s Song, addresses this vital topic. Her passion for the arts and creating beauty is evident in everything she does and she loves designing murals and public art that inspires community building, kindness and love (mariacrane.com) She currently resides in Santa Rosa, California with her husband, Stephen, where they enjoy an active lifestyle and being hospitable to international students and wine interns. Besides health coaching together, they also lead a citywide prayer ministry called PACT  (Prayer Always Changes Things).  


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